Posted on 9/2/2014
A better question might be, How well do you want my vehicle to perform? If/when you can answer the ‘How’, the decision of ‘…when’ gets a whole lot easier. It becomes a matter of whether its… an Optional Upgrade for Maintenance to Restore Required / Necessary Here’s what we mean… Optional Upgrade If you want more handling and control than your vehicle is currently capable of: Now is the right time to upgrade. Vehicles are generally designed to handle a broad range of purposes with passenger ride comfort on one end and load and terrain capabilities on the other. If your use of a vehicle is dealing with heavier loads or towing or off-road conditions, you may want to consider replacing the shocks with units that exceed original factory equipment. For Maintenance If you want to keep your vehicle operating as well as it was designed, most industry experts suggest replacement shocks and struts after 50,000 miles. Even on we ... read more
Posted on 9/4/2013
Most of us think shocks and struts are simply a ride comfort item… something that insulates us from the potholes and washboard roads we use. But what about safety and longevity? Did you know that they also can improve steering control, braking distance and reduce tire wear? In fact, they can help you stop up to 10 feet sooner! Shocks and Struts help keep your vehicle’s tires in contact with the road. A few of the vital functions they perform include: Control spring and suspension movement and weight transfer Reduce tire bounce, vehicle roll and sway – plus brake dive and acceleration squat Help to maintain consistent handling and braking Maintain wheel alignment, and reduce wear on tires and other suspension components Brakes help you stop, but Shocks and Struts help you stop sooner. Just one (of four) 50% degraded shock can increase stopping distances by up to 10 feet under certain driving conditions (Actual distance var ... read more
Posted on 9/6/2012
When most of us think about vehicle safety we usually think about brakes first and tires second. However, there is a third and just as important safety item on your vehicle that is often overlooked… shocks and struts. While some people think that a vehicles shocks and struts are not safety items, we beg to differ. In order for your brakes, tires, anti-lock braking system, vehicle stabilization system and any other electronic assist or computer safety system to work as intended, the tires must be in CONSTANT CONTACT with the ROAD! When the tire is bouncing or distribution of the weight of the vehicle is “off” these systems do not work properly and can lead to a safety or handling issue. Stopping distances are increased with these worn components and occasionally the driver may even notice the vehicle darts left or right when hitting pot-holes and other rough road surfaces. Worn struts and shocks can also cause other suspension components and tires to wear prematurely, co ... read more